No more pain


No More Pain:


(A young black woman’s struggle)

Sometimes when life has finally quieted down, I think back.

Back to the past, the beginning how it all started. And ~ why is it always the pain and strife that you see first.  Flashes of abuse and torment.


(A middle-aged black woman’s reality)

Today, the quiet is filled with the love of Jesus and the knowledge of God our Father.  Now those wounds are present, backstage to the unbelievable ~ and God’s peace is felt. Self~accepted. Spiritually encouraged 2 live for Him.


Ending to poetry ‘vlog book’

 (A young black woman’s struggle)

And then I look forward again and realize that its not over yet, not until the very end, death ~ that sweet, sweet pass over into eternal bliss and serenity ~


(A middle-aged black woman’s reality)

The moment when earthly existence becomes high praise ~ center court before the Trinity ~ when this soul is released to its truest form ~ free to dance, to sing to Thee!