When I look in the mirror
- Nichelle, 1995
When I look in the mirror
I see the intricate designs
Of the blood pulsing veins
Mapping out my body
A body that is sheer in color
That you can see every passage
Of any vein you choose to follow
Throughout my soul
Sheer the color ~ because of
The white blood that courses
Through the veins of my body
And show loud and bold
Through my skin tone
The skin tone yet sheer and
Drab of that sparkling ebony
Glare that would blind you
With caution, is still
Considered black
Though my softened mahogany may
Invite evil to attempt to
Approach my black mind
My ebony thoughts, my Egyptian
Soul will hault you dead
In your tracks
My blackness shines through me
Like a lighted pathway
To truth.